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Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 353 – “Musical” Cozumel

Some things are ridiculous here. For example, right by our house there's some kind of military school. And every night (excluding the sacred Sunday), at 8.30PM the marching band starts – drums and brass and whole nine yards. And this "concert" consistently continues until 11PM! At first, I thought that they were rehearsing for a parade and was eager to know the date of the parade, because on that date my suffering would stop. But imagine my disappointment when instead of the parade date I learnt that "this is just what they do on a regular basis"… Why, oh why?

Another fine example of Cozumel's love for music is… the gas truck. The gas truck goes around the island a million times a day, which means that it can pass by your house a million times a day. Very unfortunate. I invite you to be the judge of this lovely performance. It's worse than the American ice-cream truck, really.

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  1. I often wondered what that music was. Yours was the only entry on the web explaining it. Thanks.
