
Tribal crepes
The Sabah region of Malaysia is famous not only for its eco-touristic beauty, but also for the fact that it still is home to 32 indigenous tribes. The cultural village Mari Mari (near Kota Kinabalu) is designed to introduce you to the tribal life through participation in all the rituals and traditions. Originally, we didn't want to go to the village at all: we are all exhausted from all the sight-seeing and weather and heat by now, and on top of everything it started pouring on our way there. Unfortunately, turning the van around wasn't an option and, frustrated and hating group tourism, we obeyed to our sorry fate. As it often happens in life though, the village turned out to be an awesome experience. Even the rain didn't spoil the fun we had, and the three hours we spent baking chicken in bamboo sticks, making fire without matches, frying crepes, listening to music, dancing and just walking around in the darkness of the scary mysterious forest went by like 20 minutes. In the end, nobody was ready to leave the hospitable people of Mari Mari (translated as "Come here") and tried to prolong our stay there by eating the dinner veeeery slowly:).
The moral of today is: if you strongly resist something, it's a sure sign that you have to do it - there's a huge chance life will surprise you with its tremendous awesomeness one more time (just out of spite, I guess:)).
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