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Thursday, June 23, 2011

I love Google!

How did we live without Google? Obviously, it's a rhetoric question and I'm not planning to discuss the advantages of internet research over locking yourself for days in the public library. What is interesting to me is that some people can find absolutely ANYthing, while others seem ready to give up after stumbling over the first irrelevant set of search results they find. Yes, some people are better researchers, whether on paper or over the internet. But can you actually improve your research skills?

Google thinks you can! That's why they came up with a new project this past April - aGoogleaDay. It's a simple Trivia game that is designed to test and, if need be, improve your research skills. Once a day they post one question that you need to answer. The good news is that nobody expects you to know the right answer, what is expected of you is to use google to find the right answer. It's fun and it's a chance to learn something new and random every day. I love Google! I wish I could work for them, too!

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