It seems like when you have an addictive personality, you will always find something to get addicted to. For example, years ago I was absolutely obsessed with this game called
Bejeweled. Now they have it on iPhone (not the same but good enough), and every time I get my hands on it, I cannot stop playing. Tanya and Michael were very kind to find an old Palm Pilot with the real authentic Bejeweled on it for my travels, and I played the entire plane ride from NYC to Cozumel (with some sleep breaks, fortunately), and some other times, of course.
And now I find myself addicted to... conjugating Spanish verbs. What? Wow! But seriously, I found this awesome website with the conjugation trainer program that adjusts to your level and gives you more and more difficult verbs to work on as you go on. I kid you not - I conjugated for 3 hours in a row today. Let's hope that this is better than smoking...

What's the site? I need the practice!!!!