Two beautiful dives today were followed by me wearing cashmere socks for the rest of the afternoon, so that I can get to my core temperature. I was comfortably bundled up into my cashmere sweater plus heavy wool cardigan plus cashmere socks, warming my hands on the cup of hot tea. Seemingly nothing wrong with this picture, if I fail to mention that all of the above happened on my sun-lit balcony while the outside temperature was about 80 degrees, right? So, I'm immensely grateful today to Tanya's mom for knitting those socks for me, and to Tanya for making me take them with me "just in case".
After sufficiently warming up, I ventured into town and it turned out that I was in a picture taking mode, so here's the photo-map of my evening route.
Stop 1: Bacio cafe (affiliated with the amazing Italian restaurant Sorisi across the street). The best ice-cream in town! My attempt to order ice-coffee as "un cafe helado" resulted - after a pretty extensive discussion - in a regular cup of coffee with lots of ice in it. Well, it was cold alright, so I'm not complaining. After all, the outcome was much more successful than when I tried to order "a coffee to go" in Russia, and there I was speaking my mother-tongue.
A side note: "un cafe helado" is the correct term for an ice-coffee, the waitress just couldn't believe that I would want anything iced in such weather, I guess.Walk between Stop 1 and Stop 2: 

Stop 2: Municipal Market, semi-closed due to the late hour of the day. As a matter of fact, it is only fully open until 1PM, which is a little sad, because there are some terrific food stands over there for lunch, that divers cannot really take advantage of, since normally dives end around 1.30PM... I love the randomness of Mexican shops. The way totally unrelated things are cramped in together under the same roof is bordering on a true art form.

Stop 3: An attempted photo-shoot with this little doggy model. Unfortunately, she refused to cooperate after a few takes, and curled up on the seat instead, totally unresponsive to my pleading knocks on the window. And so I had to retire virtually with nothing, since I didn't want the car alarm to go off.
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