At my Spanish lesson today, we played a personality check game.
In case you want to be silly and play with me as I go on with the story, I'll put the clues at the end of the post. So... I die, go to Heaven, and am greeted by the Angel at the gates. The Angel states, that this time around they only accept animals in Paradise, so I have to choose the animal I'd like to convert to and explain the reason behind my pick. I immediately answer, "A cat, because cats are independent, elegant, and have 9 lives". The Angel responds, "Excellent, but unfortunately, the cat position is already filled. Please pick another time." I say, "A fish, because fish must think a lot since they cannot talk, and they are very peaceful". The Angel replies, "Oh great pick, however, the fish position has already been filled as well. Please pick again". I go, "A bird, because they are independent, determined, and structured. But I warn you - if your bird position is filled as well, I'm turning straight to Hell." Luckily, the bird position was vacant, I was successfully converted into it, and the Angel-teacher explain to me what this whole nonsense is supposed to mean. The findings were actually pretty cool (see the bottom of the post).

Later, at the Wet Wendy's - a street bar where you can get an avocado margarita among other exotic margarita wonders - I order some yummy Argentinian empanadas and a virgin mango margarita (yes, I virtually stopped drinking - for the past 6 weeks I had a total of 1 glass of wine and 2 beers). The food comes and goes into my stomach, but there's still no drink. I don't particularly mind because of my new zen attitude to everything, but the bartender feels bad that she's been taking so long with it, and apologetically announces to the entire street, "So sorry, but you know, virgins take so much longer!" Well, I don't know if that's the case with every virgin, but my mango one was definitely worth the time.
Personality check game clues:1st pick: the way you want to be2nd pick: the way you are3rd pick: the way people perceive you
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