This morning, when the same group was getting on the same boat, we looked at each other and nodded understandingly - we are with Aristeo again, which means a serious workout. And serious fun!

During the first dive - Devil's Throat - I borrowed Sallye's camera to try how it feels. And it feels... LIGHT. I mean, the camera is positive buoyancy, and I didn't really compensate for it with any weights, so I was bubbling up all the time. Of course, at the reef's depth (125 feet) it's not a problem, but for the safety stop I was seriously light. I could have kept swimming downward at 15 feet, as I always do when I'm a little light, but Aristeo tried to help me by putting pretty much all of his dive paraphenalia on me. I ended up decorated like a Christmas tree: with all his dive lights, lion fish killing devices, etc. Sallye also was light for this dive, as she was trying to reduce her weights, so we were both downward vertical at the end of the trip - funny. My pictures are all almost black & white, as I wanted to do "landscapes", and the three rules of underwater photography are: close, closer, and even a little closer. But I enjoyed having the camera, and of course now desperately need to get an underwater case for mine.
For the second dive - San Francisco wall - Sallye had the camera in her possession (you can certainly notice the difference).

For dinner, we went to La Choza to meet people currently in Cozumel. And although it was a lot of fun and everybody was super nice and interesting, this dinner made me confirm my realization how I have overdosed on new people by now.
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