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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 89 - Tutu Mineira

The day began awfully. For starters, I woke up with one of my rare (nowadays) migraines. Plus, there was no water in my room (because of the nearby road works). Plus, internet went down. My devastation was unparalleled: in pain, with teeth unbrushed, unable to even complain about it to my friends in the world outside the pousada...

But all is well that ends well: the internet was fixed, I moved to a new room with water running perfectly well, and the migraine disappeared reasonably quickly. Happy again, I went for a walk. Turning some corner, I discovered a gorgeous tiny waterfall at the beginning of a forest path, which I followed, naturally.

When I noticed that it was already 5.30PM, I rushed back to town for the fear of being forced into dieting again. And good thing I did, because today I noticed that all the restaurants actually close at 7PM! What a healthy little town...

My dinner was called Tutu Mineira (typical Minas Gerais food) - a delicious, nutritious, and oh so heavy combo of various meats, rice, bean paste with onions, and some unknown sauteed greens.

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