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Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 354 – Finally clean and suddenly gasless

Naturally, my badmouthing of the gas truck yesterday was immediately followed by punishment. We invited Daniel and Lukas, Liang's friends from Italy, for dinner. The guys are from the Northern part of Italy that, apparently, should belong to Austria, and insist on speaking German, not Italian – very confusing. Anyway, Liang was planning to make chilaquiles, but when she turned on the stove, there was no gas… And it was already in the evening, after the gas truck's hours of operation. And our water is gas-operated, so no hot shower either. We wished that in addition to the usual million times it would pass by our house just once more today, but no such luck. That'll teach me not to blow upon municipal services!

There was a bright side to the day though. Finally, we got a cleaning lady to come to our house! We have been trying to do it for over two weeks now. I never imagined it would be so difficult to convince a cleaning lady to show up. But there was some communication issue between all the parties involved in this negotiation, so in the meantime we had to live in a pigsty (well, that's an exaggeration, of course, it wasn't that bad). But now the house is spotless. And it will stay this way at least until tomorrow, because right now there's no gas to splash any cooking oil around and dirty some dishes. Indeed, there's a silver lining to anything…

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