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Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 47 - Sallye is here!

Tonight the moon is gorgeous. I love how in the Caribbean you get this horizontal moon. And also how you can still see the entire moon's "silhouette". Why is it that you can look at the moon and the stars forever?

The excitement of the day is Sallye's arrival. Sallye is my diving friend. We met in Cozumel last February. She is a super experienced diver (has about 1,800 dives altogether), and a super lovely and relaxed person (and I'm not just saying this because I know she's reading my blog:)). She was on my very first resort dive last year, when we saw a beautiful eagle ray. Then, we hung out a lot in July and August, when both of us were in Cozumel for 6 weeks, 3 of them overlapping. One thing lead to another, and all of a sudden we found ourselves planning a dive trip to Turks and Caicos. And today she is flying over from Atlanta to spend 4 dive days in Cozumel and staying over with me. When I stop and think about how people become friends, the process really fascinates me. What is the recipe for friendship? What are the right ingredients and conditions for it to brew nicely? How come you hit it off with some people from day one, and can spend years side by side with others and go virtually nowhere with that? Pheromones?

Anyway, Sallye was on stand-by for a flight, so we were not sure if she was actually going to make it. But fortunately, she does. Unfortunately, her luggage doesn't (dive gear, clothes, et al). Luckily though, being a Villa Aldora's frequenter, she keeps a bag of random stuff at the villa, so she can actually get by for a couple of days. Hopefully, the bags will arrive tomorrow.

We are both excited to spend the next 4 days diving together!

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