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Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 48 - Psychedelia of San Juan

Today is just a perfect day. Sallye is here. David is the dive master and it is always fun. Including us, there were only 4 divers on the boat (vs regular 6-7), so it was very easy to make an immediate decision - we are going North! Yay! I love the South of the island, but after diving it 6 weeks in a row, at this point I'm ready to go North every day for the rest of my trip. The current is much stronger over there, and I love that. The breakfast buffet on the surface interval has fruit and yummy bacon. And it's much closer to the villa, so you're back home around noon (vs 1.30 - 2PM). Of course, I love the 45-minute boat ride to the South, but in this windy and cloudy weather it's actually more enjoyable to skip that...

Barracuda for the first dive. Awesome. And - FINALLY - hallelujah, praise the Lord - for the first time in my 6 weeks here, we go to my absolute favorite dive site on the island - reef San Juan. Last time I went here was in summer, and although I was much less "seasoned" as a diver and was constantly worried about my air consumption, buoyancy, and staying together with the group in the ripping current, I could still see the beauty of this place. So, I was not surprised that diving San Juan today turned out to be the most incredible experience EVER! The formation here is very flat, with fields of beige-colored stylophora pistillata - club finger coral and a lot of other corals and sponges of various very-very strange colors - they are not bitter bright, but kind of dimly bright - nice smudges of weird blue, weird yellow, weird bright green on this Persian carpet canvas. The reef is so psychodelic in terms of colors and shapes, and the current is so strong - it's like gliding through a painting. I actually did feel part of a painting that is being created, a moving dot ready to jump off the tip of an artist's brush onto its new perfect spot. Unbelievable sensation! No, it wasn't nitrogen narcosis. I'm pretty sure this is what pure happiness feels like.

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