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Monday, December 13, 2010

Days 309-311 - Florence

Places are like people. It’s enough to glance at them once, to spend two seconds in their presence, feel their energy, and you know right away whether you like them or not. Of course, you can change your mind later on. As my ex-husband used to say, consistency is a virtue of narrow-minded (this may be one of the reasons we are divorced now, he definitely didn’t consider himself narrow-minded). But the first impression is always important, and as a rule, it’s the correct one. And it’s never about appearances. It’s just a feeling. This all-consuming sensation that all of a sudden you are safe and you belong and you are happy.

It never ceases to amaze me that I still fall in love with people and places so easily. You would think that after such extensive non-stop traveling for the past year I would turn picky and demanding, and it would take a lot of effort to impress me. No. I still meet people who I adore absolutely and irreversibly from the minute I meet them, and I still find places that I love unconditionally from the minute I step foot into them. I find it awesome and I thank my lucky stars for giving me such an impressionable character. Life feels simply wonderful this way.

And I feel wonderful in Florence. Maybe it’s the weather. This low clouded sky and warm autumn days when you can walk around just wearing a sweater and sit outside with a coffee admiring architectural ensemble of some old piazza. Or the Santa Maria del Fiore (Il Duomo), the 3rd largest cathedral in the world, and one of the most mysteriously beautiful ones for sure. Or the low season when the streets are not completely flooded with tourists from all over the world. Or the delicious roasted pigeon that I had for dinner (yes, I know, pigeon, yuk, yet somehow very yummy). Or the Ponte Vecchio with its jewelry shops. Most likely, it’s the combination of all of the above, and above all it’s the energy of Florence. Very beautiful energy.

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  1. I should have introduced you to my childhood friend who works in the Russian academy of arts in Florence... He could have been a great guide. Very talented, cute and single and from Piter :))

  2. What a shame, I wish you had. By the way who are you?:) Anyway, I have a feeling I'll be back to Florence once day, so please introduce us now (for the future:))).

  3. I love pigeon my dad hunts them at home, we eat them fried. Hey, I am going to be in Dresden from Dec 15 to 20th and I am going to be in Madrid from Dec 21st to 26th. Letting you know just in case our path happen to cross again. Merry Xmas!!


  4. Hi Monica! I'm glad I'm not the only one loving pigeon meat, it just felt a bit weird, but oh so delicious:))). I wish we could see each other in Europe, but I'm leaving to NYC on December 20th. Merry Christmas to you and Paul! Enjoy Germany and Spain!

  5. oops i did not tell you who i was...it is meeee Natasha from Pittsburgh... check out his site. i'll email it to you. he is from chi-town and now works, lives, and studies in Florence....he is 36; is from an amazing family :) i even think the whole gang met him when we were young and careless, wandering the gloomy streets of pittsburgh...let me know if you want me to make the connection or you can always contact him via email. i am sure he will not mind.
    let me know of what transpires...this is getting exciting :) i could be making a good match here...one never knows :))

  6. Oh, hi Natasha! Well, I'm already far from Florence, but of course, let's make the connection, I'm surely coming back one day. Is he on FB? Maybe that's the best way to connect (nowadays that is:)). How are you doing?

  7. aha, he is on FB but not using it at all... did you look at his site? i am ok..kids, work, home...no globetrotting for us just yet :( but hopefully one day... you will write a travel guide book and we will follow it to the tee :))
    love reading about your adventures..keep it coming :)

  8. You didn't send me his site duh:). Thanks for liking my blog, I'm trying to get my Rome thoughts together now... Ohhh it's way too much of a city. Loving it! Will try to describe it somehow soon...

  9. hmm i used fb to email you..will do again

  10. what is your email?...i'll use gmail
