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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 101 - Living to the rhythm of tango

Buenos Aires is all about the tango. You hear this passionate music in different variations and arrangements - from traditional to ultra modern contemporary (tango electronico) - on every corner, in every cafe, at every store in San Telmo (in other areas it's a little toned down, but still present). I love it, because tango is my favorite dance. So of course, I go to a very touristy - yet super fun - tango lesson + dinner + performance combo after a most relaxing day in one of the Buenos Aires parks. A side note: I took my computer there in the attempt to update my blog, but instead ended up doing nothing but watching some funny looking red-headed birds).

If you want to go dance tango in Buenos Aires, you go to a milonga. You can come with your own partner, but it is common for guys and girls to come solo and just mix and match in the process of dancing. A peculiar detail: a guy must pick you, you cannot pick a guy; but when he picks you (with his eyes and a specific tilt of his head), you must say "yes". Because you come to a milonga to dance, and for no other reason.

The show today featured the history of tango since 1900's till nowadays, and now I really want to see a tango electronico performance (the music is pretty cool, and the moves are very power-acrobatic). I got some information from my helpful hotel staff, but it looks like I am out of luck: the best group - Tanghetto - is now performing in Chicago. Seriously? So I have to do some more research, to the sound of the most famous electrotango band called BajoFondo.

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