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Monday, May 10, 2010

Is this love, is this love, is this love, is this love that I'm feeling...

I have not been writing for the past couple of days not because of lack of internet or time. I am just overwhelmed, and I honestly don't know where to start. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS CITY!!! I knew it the second I stepped out of the airport. Love at first sight. Last time I felt this way - with New York - I moved... So my stay here is beginning with a dangerous flutter in my stomach. I am already eyeing various buildings where I could potentially rent an apartment and thinking how long before my Spanish becomes "workable"...

First, let me shout out everything that overwhelms me about the city, maybe that way I can proceed in a reasonably organized fashion. FOOD IS AWESOME! LIVE MUSIC EVERYWHERE! PARKS, PARKS, PARKS, PARKS! STEAK! MEDIALUNAS (local croissants, that are - and I am not afraid to say it out loud - BETTER than their Parisian counterparts)! EVERYTHING IS CHEAP! THE WEATHER IS SPECTACULAR – a true Indian summer right now, with cold foggy mornings and nights, gorgeous sunny 70-degree days, and the air smelling like wet yellow leaves… TANGO EVERYWHERE! TANGO MUSIC EVERYWHRE! PEOPLE ARE WALKING, PICNICKING, SITTING IN THE OUTSIDE CAFES EVERYWHERE! ART! THEATER! I LOVE ALL OF THIS!!!!!!! I DO NOT KNOW HOW WORDS CAN DESCRIBE WHAT I’M FEELING HERE!

Really, how do you describe love? I fully realize that I am not going to be objective about Buenos Aires– those silly butterflies in my stomach will not let me see anything terrible about it in the week that I'm planning to spend here. If I ever really move here for some time, the city will definitely reveal its bad traits and habits to me. But so what? Let me enjoy my jittery infatuation for as long as it lasts, and then... Like in any relationship, you hope that after a while, after idealizing some ugly birthmark on the face of your beloved, you will just stop noticing it instead of getting utterly disgusted and turning its presence into a huge fight, eventually leading to divorce:).

Hmmm, this didn't seem to help. I still don't feel detached enough to be able to write anything coherent about my experiences in this city. Wow...

1 comment:

  1. I loved your post on you loving Buenos Aires!
