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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 115 - Bicentenario

Two hundred years ago, in Buenos Aires (then capital of a Spanish colony), a week-long series of revolutionary events took place, known as the Revolucion de Mayo, which set in motion events that led to Argentina's eventual declaration of independence from Spain in 1816.

This week, millions of Argentinians, their neighbors and foreign dignitaries gathered in Buenos Aires to celebrate their bicentennial with lavish parades festivals and performances.

Naturally, I did not go. Working in a Fifth Avenue office for almost 12 years, I have had enough of trying to cross the street for lunch during St. Patrick's Day Parade, Puerto Rican Day Parade, Columbus Day Parade, Veteran's Day Parade, and my favorite - a casual everyday tourist parade that IS Fifth Avenue. I vividly remember being stuck across from Saks Fifth Avenue for 10 minutes straight, not moving AT ALL, in a human traffic jam of people admiring The Snowflake Music Show. I mean, it's magical and all, but not when you are rushing to some appointment, especially not after hearing this music every day every 15 minutes for almost a month:).

In other words, if you would like to see pictures from Argentina's Bicentennial celebrations in Buesnos Aires - not mine - click here.

I went to Puerto Madero, which was a lucky choice, because it seemed to have served as a quiet haven for all the people who are done with parades - and, fortunately, we are not many:).

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