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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 26 - Tequila drinks recipes from my Spanish class

I love my Spanish class teacher, because he can actually engage me in any conversation in Spanish. I love his style. It's somewhat Ulyssean, as he seems to be using the flow of consciousness technique on me. I don't think he ever has any pre-meditated plan for our conversations. In fact, during the first minute of our meeting he always looks somewhat puzzled as he looks me over trying to figure out what we can talk about today. And then I see a spark in his eyes, which signifies that the first topic for today's yarn ball of conversation has been found, and from here on all we have to do is hold on to the thread and see what pattern our talk will knit this time. This is usually how we spend the first hour and forty five minutes of our lesson, followed by a fifteen-minute introduction of a new grammar point, which I have to work on at home doing numerous repetitive exercises.

Today's yield - 2 authentic tequila drinks recipes:
  • Tequila with Sangrita: Step 1 - The traditional lick of salt + lime; Step 2 - Sip of tequila; Step 3 - Sip of sangrita. Repeat until under the table. Apparently, sangrita - which is usually a combination of several juices, one of them red in color (hence the name - sangrita in Spanish means "little blood"), and spices - accentuates tequila's acidity while at the same time cleansing the palate.
  • Amaretto Azteca: One measure of tequila + one measure of anis liqueur (a good brand for this drink is Anis Del Mono) + ice. No need to repeat - apparently, you find yourself under the table almost immediately. I dislike the taste of anis immensely, but my teacher swears that in this particular combination you don't taste tequila or anis - instead, it's a totally new undescribable flavor of - and I quote - "freshness".


  1. I am going to try the Amaretto Azteca this weekend when my sister visits. I'll let you know what the underside of my table looks like on Monday.

  2. I've not tried Amaretto Azteca, either, and dislike anis, but I'm a willing victim...
    I have a bottle of sangrita in the fridge at Greg's! It's very nice after...

    Your Spanish sounds a bit like my Friday talent development classes. I usually have a plan, but for some reason, I usually change whatever I'd planned for something that sparks my eye that morning. I am sure for too many people would be appalled to know that, though they seem satisfied with the results.
