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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 3 - Nothingness

Waking up was an interesting sensation - I got startled by my alarm clock, and at first didn't realize where the hell I was, but then I looked out of my window and couldn't help but smile. It was the most gorgeous view (see pic attached). This view made all the hectic movements of yesterday worthwhile.

After the initial shock by the beauty I relaxed into the idea that this is how it's going to be for me beauty-wise for the next couple of months. And now what? Hmmm... It is very interesting to not need to do anything, to have your schedule completely empty. I have a friend who is an artist. He told me once that he never starts his work on a blank canvas (board, sheet of paper) because it is too intimidating. This is how I feel now - I'm intimidated by the blankness of it all... This nothingness makes me feel anxious.
But even anxiety cannot prevent me from enjoying my papaya water and the ocean breeze on one of the balconies (feels good to say that) on this beautiful evening...

1 comment:

  1. What nothingness...this is the beauty of it...to be without a to do...for a while at least...so intrigued to read on...
